Summer’s in Full Swing, so Mark Your Calendar: Register by August 3rd to “Show off" your Delco Victory Gardens in all their Glory!
Enter your Victory Garden in the Penn State Master Gardeners Vegetable Garden Contest.  The contest is open to all residents of Delaware County and includes gardens large and small.  There are also categories for both experienced and novice vegetable gardeners.  And the Judging will take place August 10th.
  • Winners will be notified by mail. 
  • Awards will be presented on Saturday, September 29, 2018 at the Penn State Master Gardeners Fall Fest in Smedley Park, Springfield, PA.  
  • To request a registration form or for more information, please contact Linda Barry: 610-690-7669 or  
  • For more information on the Penn State Master Gardeners program, click here: Penn State Master Gardeners

Creating a Tribute to All from Delaware County Who Served in World War One

Click Here for .pdf
The Delaware County World War One Centennial Committee is an unofficial body, recognized in 2017 by Delaware County Council, to make a permanent record of the military, economic, and civic participation of Delaware County in the Great War.

The committee is engaged in collecting all forms of records which bear upon the Delaware County's  history in war times.

The work will be a most fitting memorial to the thousands of Delaware County residents who entered the national service, and to the thousands of others who aided with personal service in factories, mines, farms, financial undertakings, and welfare organizations, to defeat the common enemy.

It is also the aim of committee to provide copies of the Memorial Book to Delaware County libraries, County, State's, and National archives, to provide for the establishment of duplicate records to become the basis for a patriotic understanding of Delaware County's part in the Great War.

To aid the committee and the Delaware County community in gathering the needed materials please refer to the PDF  (attached) that was provided by the State of Pennsylvania as a guide.

Bells of Peace

Bells of Peace: A National World War I Remembrance is a national tolling of bells to honor those who served in the Great War. The United States participated from April 6, 1917 to November 11, 1918.

Why should we toll the bells?
Tolling of bells is the traditional way to mark someone’s passing. On special national occasions, bells are tolled in honor of the fallen. November 11 is the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended hostilities in World War I. In the war, 116,516 Americans died and over 200,000 were wounded.

When is the National Bell Tolling?
On Sunday, November 11, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. local time across the United States and its territories.

Where will the National Bell Tolling take place?
In communities, houses of worship, cemeteries, military installations, ships at sea - anywhere that Americans gather to honor their veterans.

Who is sponsoring the National Bell Tolling?

The U.S. World War I Centennial Commission is the sponsor. The Commission was created by Act of Congress in 2013 to honor, commemorate, and educate the public about American participation in World War I.

How can my community group participate?
At 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 11, toll your bells slowly 21 times with a five-second interval between tolls. Groups that do not have bells can render the salute by other available means such as guns, cannons, rifles, and sirens. The Commission will also make available a free digital application of the bell tolling that can be used privately or with public address systems.

Where can I get more information?

Return to as additional information becomes available.

The Changing Roles of Women in Civilian Life

World War One Delco Committee Member Barbara Selletti spoke at Media’s 2018 Memorial Day Parade on the changes during World War One in the roles and responsibilities of women. Her text is below:

In 1914 a war of many nations began in Europe, but the US remained neutral until April of 1917. This Great War would be fought with many terrible new weapons on the land, in the air, on and under the sea. One hundred years ago this month 300 thousand new American members of the American Expeditionary Forces, including men from Delaware County, were landed in France and in September of 1918 they would take part in the all-American offense in the Muse Argon. Two months later, on November 11th, 1918 this Great War to End all War would end. But this patriotic outpouring was not confined to the men of the military. What I will be speaking about today is what happened in Delaware County during those years.

The war created new opportunities for workers in the local industrial base of Philadelphia, Delaware, and Camden counties as it did in other parts of the nation. So much so that African-Americans, while poorly paid and forced to perform the least-desirable jobs, found chances for economic independence and advancement better in the Philadelphia region than in the South. War was good for business.

Beyond the paid workers, the need for more civilian volunteers to aid the war effort on the home front increased. For the first time, women who normally supported in the background of previous wars, were called to the foreground in a myriad of ways.

There was no part of society that didn’t contribute is some aspect. Americans made bandages, knit socks, collected books for the soldiers. They collected scrap metal and sold liberty bonds to raise money. They enrolled in Red Cross, Victory Corps, and Civilian Defense organizations to support the troops abroad.

The Food Conservation Administration (whose uniform I am wearing) promoted ways to substitute lesser used foodstuffs like fish, rye and corn syrup for meals, so meat, wheat and sugar could be sent as provisions overseas. Soon Meatless Mondays and Wheat-less Wednesdays became commonplace in American homes.

The National War Garden Commission encouraged Americans to contribute to the war effort by planting, fertilizing, harvesting and storing their own fruits and vegetables so that more food could be exported to our allies. Citizens were urged to utilize all idle land that was not already engaged in agricultural production. This including school and company grounds, parks, backyards or any available vacant lots. Women’s Land Army members advocated that civilians “Sow the seeds of victory”. U.S. School Garden Army (USSGA) organized children as “soldiers of the soil.”

When war was declared in 1917, the Young Men’s Christian Assoc. (YMCA) immediately volunteered its support, and President Woodrow Wilson quickly accepted it. The YMCA assumed military responsibilities on a scale that had never been attempted by a nonprofit, community-based organization in the history of our nation and would never be matched again. It was at the conclusion of this war that the military services began to institutionalize the massive human services work carried out by the YMCA.

Religious organizations mobilized to provide humanitarian aid on a scale never seen before. The Knights of Columbus’ Supreme Knight James A. Flaherty proposed to President Wilson that the Order establish soldiers' welfare centers in the U.S. and abroad. The Order raised more than $14 million for this program on its own and was allocated another $30 million from a national fund drive. But their efforts did not stop there. Following the war, the Knights established both a tuition-free education program for veterans and a job bank that placed more than 300,000 veterans with employers throughout the country.

American Jews, for the first time, were seen as international philanthropists, armed with the wealth and the initiative to help relief work overseas.

The Salvation Army, already an international humanitarian organization involved in the war since its start in 1914, conducted Bible classes, provided writing supplies, stamps, clothes-mending services and home-cooked food for soldiers. Their “doughnut lassies,” (female Salvation Army volunteers) cooked doughnuts in helmets to provide a quick and easy treat for American soldiers. (And if you go to the Lansdowne Theater today, you can try a fresh made one from the original recipe).

Although opposed to fighting, the Society of Friends (Aka Quakers) provided humanitarian relief for civilians affected by war at home and abroad through the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). In France, the Friends War Victims Relief Committee (FWVRC) helped with construction, medical aid and agriculture. All differences of traditions were quickly forgotten as every organizational member was committed to a common goal of assistance.

When the United States declared war against Germany, the American Red Cross found itself embarking on the journey that would transform it almost overnight into the large and important influential organization it is today. As the public’s patriotic spirits soared in the early days of the war, President Wilson, as honorary chairman of the Red Cross, urged his fellow citizens to put their energies to work helping the Red Cross meet the needs of the thousands of young men joining the Allied forces on the battlefields of Europe.

Another significant but lasting change came into being that would change the face of society in profound ways. In 1918, due to the shortage of manpower, nearly three million new women workers were employed in food, textile and war industries. Many taboos and restrictions thrown up to keep women out of large-scale productions industries were broken down out of necessity.

America’s women were at work everywhere during World War I. They labored on the home front and overseas. They took jobs on the nation’s farms, in factories, in shipyards, and served in its military forces. They even learned to fly! (Like the League Island Naval Commander’s wife learned in Essington).

Approximately a million women filled the vacancies left by the men who were now in uniform. Many were young girls who had previously worked in local shops and department stores or who had never worked before. Many were wives who had once worked but had left their jobs to raise families or had never worked outside of their homes. The worked in non-traditional places such as Eddystone’s Munitions plant, Hog Island Shipyard, and various local mills.

World War I also marked an important “first” for American women. For the first time in the nation’s history, women were permitted to “join” the Armed Forces. Some 13,000, known as “Yeomanettes,” enlisted in the Navy to do clerical work stateside. Nearly 300 entered the Marine Corps as clerks and won the name “Marinettes.” More than 230 women traveled to France as part of the U.S. Army Signal Corps. There, they served as French-speaking telephone operators and were known as “Hello Girls” for the American Expeditionary force.

But they were not the only ones to travel overseas. Some 11,000 women, although not actual members of the armed forces, served abroad as nurses and ambulance drivers. Wealthy young women sailed the submarine-infested Atlantic, so they could drive ambulances (often during air raids) and persuaded their fathers to contribute an ambulance or two. Other women mortgaged their houses to finance a trip overseas, ready to offer their services even if it meant scrubbing floors. Women were also among the 6,000 Red Cross workers who sailed to France.

As a living historian, I often portray a Red Cross Nurse named Stephanie Pohle; a local girl who literally dedicated her entire life to nursing after she graduated from Lankenau Hospital prior to the start of WWI. She was given the Medal of St. Anna, the highest Russian civilian award for her distinguished service. As with so many other women who served in the war efforts, her heroic life is largely unknown (at least for now, but not if I have anything to do with it).

Civilian American Red Cross nurses worked side by side with Army Nurse Corps members, doing the same work in the field. They themselves often did not understand the difference in their status.

Like the men, the 25,000 American women who served overseas risked death, disease, and injury. An estimated 348 lost their lives. Some were killed in air raids and artillery bombardments. Others died or were left debilitated by the diseases and disorders bred by the filthy and worse-than-primitive conditions along the Western Front.

The exact number of women who were injured is still unknown. There are individual stories, however, that leave no doubt as to the seriousness of some of the injuries. When a hand grenade accidentally exploded near a writer and Red Cross worker, they sustained wounds that kept them hospitalized for two years. A women doctor caught in a gas attack suffered burned lungs. A study conducted in the 1920’s revealed that, among the women injured in the war, at least 200 were permanently disabled.

Despite their own efforts for regularization, Army and Navy nurses were held as only paramilitary. Thus, the Military, so quick to welcome them in service, refused them the rank and benefits that their responsibilities justified which continued through WWII.

All the women who devoted themselves fulltime to war work pioneered, faced unprecedented difficulties, persevered but found their own means of service. Women proved their resourcefulness, usefulness, reliability and heroism in the face of the challenges and dangers they confronted, and the hardships endured.

As you heard, actual membership in the military was not the only means for supporting efforts during World War I. Civilian organizations using good old Yankee ingenuity brought forth many avenues for humanitarian aid which still exists in some form one hundred years later. Women used their war experiences to push for the right to vote and paved the way for those who enjoy more life choices today. No one was left unchanged then or now. Young or old, male or female, they need to be honored and not forgotten.

I will close with a poem written by Moina Belle Michael in November 1918 which was inspired by the famous piece written by Canadian Colonel John McCrae, “In Flanders Field”. You may or may not know that it was through Moina’s tireless twenty plus years campaigning for memorializing of those who served during WWI, that gave us an internationally-recognized symbol of Remembrance and welfare for war veterans: the red field poppy.

Oh! you who sleep in Flanders Fields,
Sleep sweet - to rise anew!
We caught the torch you threw
And holding high, we keep the Faith
With All who died.

We cherish, too, the poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led;
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies,
But lends a lustre to the red
Of the flower that blooms above the dead
In Flanders Fields.

And now the Torch and Poppy Red
We wear in honor of our dead.
Fear not that ye have died for naught;
We'll teach the lesson that ye wrought
In Flanders Fields.

Thank you.

Members of the Delco WW1 Centennial Committee met at the Embassy of Italy in Washington D.C.

Members of the Delco WW1 Centennial Committee met at the Embassy of Italy in Washington D.C. to begin planning a Centennial Commeration, here in the United States and Italy, of the joint air operations in Italy by both of our countries aviation sections. American and Italian aviators flew joint strategic bombing missions on the Italian front of the "White War" during WW1.

The gentleman in the center of the group is Edward Lewis, his father was one of the aviators who learned to fly strategic bombers in Italy, and was one of the American group who flew with their  Italian counterparts, side by side on strategic bombing missions in Italy. His father began his Army service at Chandler Field, built on the campus of the 1799 Lazaretto, in Essington, Delaware County. Col. Robert Glendenning, who created  Chandler Field for the Army, became the overall U.S. Army Aviation commander in Italy in 1918.

Lasagna Gardening

Step One
It’s easy to see how this form of garden gets its name.

Lasagna gardening is a no dig raised bed system. Barb Selletti started hers by creating a raised edge with cinder blocks. The first layer was old junk mail followed by cardboard to deter weeds growing up from below. The next layer was fresh grass cuttings, followed by compost mixed with garden soil. Each layer is soaked as it is applied. Barb has planted tomatos, peas, cucumbers, and squash in Lasagna plot.

We will keep you updated as her Delco Victory Garden grows. If you have any questions for Barb, click:
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4

Ship Builders of Hog Island

In the September 1918 issue of National Magazine, Albert Leonard detailed story of the team of shipbuilders at the Hog Island plant in Chester, PA, who were dedicated to the war effort and who built the Quistconck, the first of the Class B type cargo ships to be launched from the Hog Island plant. Click to DOWNLOAD and read the fascinating story from the annals of World War One in Delaware County.

This article is courtesy of Pat Gallagher who purchased the magazine at Wilson’s Auction in 2017. “I’ve been going to auctions for years,” said Pat, “and lately have been looking for local items, some of which I donate to local historical societies. Eventually I am hoping to create a museum for the Collingdale Historical Society.” Pat is a member of three area Historical Societies and devotes his time to finding family photos at auction that have a name or clue as to their identity, and then researching the names in obituaries and online to find homes for the photos with families connected to them.

Need a speaker about Delco’s Victory Garden Program?

Master Gardener provides insights into the building of a successful Victory Garden at community event at Paper Mill Rd. headquarters.

Click Here to download an 8-1/2" x 11" printable
.pdf to place in your window, or in your garden.
This poster is based on a design used in
1918 to show support for the troops in WWI.
Delco’s World War 1 Centennial Committee is encouraging everyone to plant a Victory Garden this year, grow vegetables for you table, and share any excess bounty with you neighbors.

Our community partner, Delaware County Master Gardeners will provide a speaker for your organization.

They will have a free Victory Garden Hotline available during the planting growing and harvesting seasons.

Click Here for free downloadable educational materials created by the Master Gardeners.

To arrange for a speaker please contact Linda R. Barry at the phone numbers posted below.

Linda R. Barry
Master Gardener Coordinator
Penn State Extension
Delaware County
20 Paper Mill Rd.
Springfield, PA 19064
Direct Phone Number: 610-690-7669
Office Phone Number: 610-690-2655
Fax: 610-690-2676

2018 Delco Victory Gardens - Strengthening the Delaware County Community through a United Purpose

Victory gardens, also called war gardens or food gardens for defense, were vegetable, fruit, and herb gardens planted at private residences and public parks in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Germany during World War I and World War II. George Washington Carver wrote an agricultural tract and promoted the idea of what he called a “Victory Garden”. They were used along with Rationing Stamps and Cards to reduce pressure on the public food supply. Besides indirectly aiding the war effort, these gardens were also considered a civil "morale booster" in that gardeners could feel empowered by their contribution of labor and rewarded by the produce grown. This made victory gardens a part of daily life on the home front.

Early 20th century children’s food garden
The pilot program of community garden as the brainchild of  Ventura, California schoolteacher Zilda M. Rogers. Rogers who in 1909 wrote to the Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of California, Berkeley, who wrote in some detail about how her school garden work had progressed, what the successes and failures were, how the children were responding to the opportunity to garden, how her relationship with the children had changed as a result of the garden work and what she saw as potential for the future. “With the love of the school garden has grown the desire for a home garden and some of their plots at home are very good…Since commencing the garden work the children have become better companions and friends…and to feel that there is a right way of doing everything…it is our garden…We try to carry that spirit into our schoolroom.”

In today's world, Victory Gardens have a larger which melds the actual purpose of the gardens during the War years with a thrust towards activism within the community. With victory gardens we have an opportunity to create a Delco brand of community activism where everyone's efforts is equal.

Victory Gardens will symbolize the efforts of the public during World War I, but also produce valuable results from a very diverse Delco community. Each plot will be tied to every other parcel throughout the County through a sense of sharing and good will that transcends the garden itself, by uniting people of various income, social, racial, religious and economic groups in a common purpose and for a common good.

This Victory Garden Reference Guide provides useful information for both novice and experienced gardeners on planning, planting, and maintenance of Victory Gardens.

Penn State Master Gardeners’ Role in
Delaware County’s World War I Remembrance Victory Gardens Project

Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Delaware County promote research-based best gardening practices and environmental stewardship to educate the community.  They develop their horticultural expertise through participation in educational training classes conducted by Penn State University faculty and Extension staff.  Master Gardeners have served the home-gardening public for over 35 years in Pennsylvania by answering gardening questions, speaking to groups, writing gardening articles, working with youth, gardening in demonstration gardens, participating in the Penn State pollinator research program, and in many other ways.

As a community partner in Delaware County’s World War One Remembrance Victory Garden Project, the Master Gardeners provide their garden expertise by researching and developing a detailed reference guide on planting and caring for Victory Garden vegetables.  This guide will provide instructions on the best crops to plant in this area and when to plant them; siting and planning for a vegetable garden; soil testing, preparation, and the addition of soil amendments; intensive gardening methods; guidance on sowing seeds outdoors or using transplants; basic principles of fertilization and watering; and tips on disease prevention and pest control.  In addition, the Master Gardeners will provide consulting assistance to historic sites and community sites on how to plant and care for their Victory Gardens; distribute promotional posters and brochures throughout the community; and host a Garden Hotline to answer gardening questions specific to growing vegetables.

The Master Gardeners’ Garden Hotline number is 610-690-2671.

58th Veterans Day Parade

A cadet from the Sun Valley High School ROTC Program joins veteran Harry Seth and Barbara Selletti in a flag folding in the 2017 Veterans Day Parade of Saturday November 11, 2017,

Fri. Nov. 10 2017
State St, Media
11:00 am

We have been invited to carry a 20'×30' American Flag in the 58th Veterans Day Parade in Media PA. to honor the women and men who served in World War One

We will be joining with Veterans of all wars, members of the Delaware County community, walking  together as thousands line the streets to honor their courage and sacrifice.

 This event gives us the chance to say “thank you” for all they have done and continue to do for us.

For more information

More photos from the Dance for Democracy

There were some great photo ops at the September 22nd Dance for Democracy. Full size photos prints of all photos are available by contacting George Rothacker at You may also call for prices and sizes at 610-566-0334.

The Tapestry Ensemble dancers provided the perfect atmosphere to this fun Delaware County event.
Barbara and Anthony Selletti were presented with a poppy quilt by George Rothacker. The stitched piece was created by Anne Boren of New Zealand specifically for the World War I Remembrance.
Tapestry Ensemble dancers were elegantly dressed for the occasion and performed traditional dance of the World War 1 period.
Judy Reese and her service dog Shakespeare greeted guest and displayed photo boards of the brave dogs who served in the Great War. Judy and Shakespeare are shown next to a dog cart decorated for the occasion.
Re enactor Ryan Berley takes on his role seriously while Barbara Rothacker hams it up for the camera.

Barbara and Anthony Selletti were the force behind the Dance for Democracy and the whole World War One Delco Centennial.
 The duo responsible for the Tapestry Dance Ensemble taught guests the Grizzly Bear and the Turkey Trot at the Dance for Democracy.

Delco World War I Historians Speaks at Neumann University

Neumann University Library’s Fifth Annual Genealogy & History Conference will once again take place during Homecoming Weekend. The Conference is scheduled to run from 10 AM until 3 PM on Saturday October 14th and will be held in the Bruder Life Center’s Multipurpose Room, located adjacent to the main campus parking lot.

This year, the Library welcomes a very special guest speaker who will present “Forensic Genealogy and the GPS”. Michael S. Ramage, J.D., Certified Genealogist®, is a Board-certified genealogist and licensed PA attorney, and a member in good standing with the Council for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy. He is well qualified in the field of missing and unknown heirs in estate and trust, and real estate title, matters. He has over 30 years of professional research and writing experience, and access to numerous legal and genealogical databases and repositories. Mr. Ramage has been qualified as an expert witness in the field of missing and unknown heirs. He can be reached at his business email: mramage@ForensicGenealogist.Pro 

Additional presentations will be: “Navigating with GPS: The Genealogical Proof Standard as Roadmap to Success” and “Using DNA for Genealogy: First Steps” by genealogist and Neumann librarian Barbara Selletti. “Finding and Using Military Records for Genealogy” by author, historian, and Neumann alumnus Anthony L. Selletti.

Admission is free, but registration is required. Visit to register for this event.

Dance for Democracy

A Rousing Success and Fun Night for All Who Attended

More than 80 guests festooned in World War I uniforms, Downton Abbey gowns, top hats and tuxedos at the Dance for Democracy sponsored by American Legion Post #94, the World War One Delco Centennial Committee and the Destination Delco Tourism Bueau on Friday evening, September 22nd.
(top) Tore and Corrine Fiore, Shakespeare and Judy Reese greet guests to the dance.(row 2) Anthony (left) and Barbara Selletti (right) socialize with Tapestry Dance Ensemble Performers .(row 3) Shakespeare helps Drew Nugent out at the keyboard (left) as Corrine and Torre present dolls and World War I era memorabilia from their private collection; (row 4) Dancers take to the floor “freestyle” to the music of Drew Nugent and the Midnight Society.
State Representative Leanne Kruege-Braneky is
flanked by her Chief of Staff Heather Bord (left) and
Abigail Seth (right) as they are greeted by Judy Reese
and “Shakespeare” (shown in foreground).
The event was held in the gymnasium and meeting room of the Brookhaven Community Center graciously donated by the community for the occasion.

Arriving guests were greeted by Judy Reese and her service dog “Shakespeare,” a Bouvier des Flanders, ancestor of the dogs who assisted servicemen in Beligium during the Great War.

The festivities were officially begun with Abigail Seth's rendition of “God Bless America” in the dining area of the event. The menu included items that might have been offered at a community dance of the WWI era; pork and beef sandwiches, salads and three punches, two of original origin and a Prohibition Punch for those who abstain from alcohol.
Abigail Seth leads the singing of “God Bless America”

Quilt by Anne Boren given
to Barbara & Anthony Selletti
Ryan Berley brought employees of the Franklin Fountain, his brother's and his ice cream parlor in Philly, with Moxie and other sodas of the era, doughnut ice cream and WW One Chocolate Bars.

After their meal, the crowd dispersed to the gym where announcements were made by Destination Delco Tourism Bureau Executive Director Tore Fiore, and a gift of a Poppy quilt created by New Zealender Anne Boren was presented to Barbara and Anthony Selletti for their hard work in creating and promoting the events remembering all who sacrificed and assisted in the war effort from Delaware County between 1917 and 1919.
  After the presentation, The Tapestry Historic Dance Ensemble demonstrated dances of the era, after which they instructed guests on the finesses of the Grizzly Bear and the Turkey Trot.

Local musical legend Drew Nugent and members of his Midnight Society performed songs of the WW One era, while guests danced to requests and reprises by Abigail Seth.

The dance produced a profit of $1475 which is being used by the Selletti's to expand their video, “Memories of the Great War,” and to fulfill an “unfulfilled promise” of  creating a written record of all those who provided service during World War One from Delco.

World War One Tours and Events - September 23 & 24th

Please click here for info on the Dinner Dance at the Brookhaven Community Center on September 22

Tours and Events for September 23 & 24, 2017

The Naval Asylum Burial Ground - Yeadon

Open on Saturday, September 23
Tour of WW1 Graves in the Naval Asylum plot
Hosted by the Friends of Mount Moriah Cemetery

Sunday 24 ,September 2017
Time: 10:30 
Ceremony honoring veterans of WW1. Co-Hosted by the VA, Brough of Yeadon, American Legion Post's 761 and 507, and the Pennsylvania WW1 Committee.

Location Naval Asylum Burial Ground adjacent to Mount Moriah Cemetery at the Flag Pole

Both days enter at the Cobbs Creek Parkway entrance to Mount Moriah Cemetery in Yeadon
Location Naval Asylum Burial Ground adjacent to Mount Moriah Cemetery at the Flag Pole
Enter at the Cobbs Creek Parkway entrance to Mount Moriah Cemetery in Yeadon

Tour of WW1 Graves in the Naval Asylum plot Sponsored by the Friends of Mount Moriah Cemetery

Sports Legends of Delaware County301 Iven Ave, Wayne, PA 19087
Theme: WW1 the Delco Baseball League,
and Delco Athletes who served in the Great War

Saturday. September 23rd 11a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

The Massey House 

Open on Sunday 24 September 2017 from Noon to 3 p.m.

The 1696 Thomas Massey House is one of the oldest English Quaker homes in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is a 2-story brick and stone house, originally constructed by the English, Quaker settler, Thomas Massey in 1696.

In addition to the usual programming they will also be featuring information about the family who lived in the house during the World War 1 years, and a blacksmith working forge. Blacksmiths were still very much part of Delaware County life during World War.

470 Lawrence Rd.
Broomall, PA 19008

Lazaretto Station

One stop with three presentations
Saturday 23 September 2017 10AM-4PM
Sunday.   24 September 2017. Noon-3PM

1. The Lazaretto (Chandler Field during WWI)
 presented by the Friends of the 1799 Lazaretto Interpretive Museum

2. Hog Island Shipyard

presented by the Tinicum Township Historical Society 

3.Corinthian Yacht Club (yachts were used as Section Patrol Boat roles throughout the War), presented by the Corinthian Yacht Club Historical Society

Presented through the both days over the weekend, Rain or Shine

99 Wanamaker Avenue

 Delaware County Veteran’s Memorial
Drive through Saturday, Sept 23th and Sunday, Sept 24th all day.

4599 West Chester Pike
Newtown Square, PA 19073


Chichester Meeting House (self guided drive by or walk)

Lewis E Ingram served with the  242nd Ambulance Corps in WW1 as part of the 11ths Sanitary Hospital. As a Quaker he served as a non-combatant on the Western Front, and was most likely an ambulance driver or an orderly.

Ingram, Lewis E. born in Easttown, Chester Co. in 1896. His birth is recorded in Volume 1 Page 121 Birth Records. Chester County, Pennsylvania Archives and Records.

Widener University Drive-by 

World war one memorial at entrance to Widener University then named Pennsylvania military college who’s students and alumni served with distinction during World War I .

Routes 320 and 352

Pennsylvania Veterans Museum

Saturday, Sept. 23 and Sunday, Sept.24
Noon-5PM Sat and Sun for tour 

Lecture and Tour at former 3rd Presbyterian Church

Open House 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
420 East Ninth & Potter Streets, Chester, Pa 19013

Come enjoy a tour & talk about the former Third Presbyterian Church

Come step into the past to hear the CHPC’s vision for the future of this beautiful Gem in Chester, Pa. The former Third Presbyterian church in Chester, Pa was a recently acquired by the Chester Historical

Preservation Committee in  September of 2015. It is the CHPC’s goal to totally restore this beautiful architectural marvel.  During WWI the Third Presbyterian Church offered support and provided a moral compass for the residents of the City of Chester.  The Church  was there to lend moral support  to the families of young men and women who served in the Great War.

World War I Living History & Encampment

Thunderbird Lodge in Rose Valley
109th Infantry, Company L
28th Division, Pennsylvania National Guard

Saturday, September 23rd
Noon until 6pm

Thunderbird Lodge
41 Rose Valley Rd
Rose Valley, PA 19063

Chester Rural Cemetery
The Chester Rural Cemetery was established in March 1863 to serve the needs of the rapidly growing city of Chester, PA and the surrounding Delaware County area.

Among the first interments were Civil War casualties, from both sides of the conflict, from the US Government Hospital located across the street on what would later become the campus of Crozer Theological Seminary and Crozer Chester Medical Center. Many of these casualties were removed on October 28,1891 to Philadelphia Soldiers' National Cemetery in Philadelphia, PA. Some of the confederate soldiers were later taken home by their families for burial. The records of all, however, have been preserved in the archives of the Cemetery.

Chester Rural is Delaware County's only example of the rural or landscaped cemetery built in the days before public parks and as such it was a popular destination for a Sunday afternoon outing as late as the early part of the twentieth century. Its curved walkways and driveways, and rolling hills and valleys were landscaped with a variety of specimens of the area, and until the mid 1950's a focal point was the acre-and-a-half lake, bordered by dogwoods and home to geese, ducks and water lilies.

Spanning over 36 acres and 152 years, Chester Rural is still in full operation and is the final resting place of over 31,000 individuals. Careful records have been kept over the years and, in some cases, family information has been added by visitors researching their ancestors.

Members of the 7th NJ and 186th PA living history groups will be standing Honor Guard at the Chester Rural Cemetery Soldier Circle

10AM - 5PM on Saturday and Sunday Noon - 3PM

September 23/24 2017 at the WW1 Memorial
living history groups will be standing Honor Guard at the Chester Rural Cemetery Soldier Circle 

Collingdale Park- 500 Lincoln Avenue, Collingdale

Saturday, September 23rd
“Day of Remembrance”- Collingdale Historical Society Event starts at 10 am with a brief message about the Collingdale WWI veterans. There will be two walking tours.

The first one will be at 10:30 am at Collingdale Park- The north side of Collingdale and memories of Collingdale landmarks from WWI. (This walking tour will briefly touch on Aldan with a stop at their museum at the corner of Providence Road and Woodlawn Avenues.) The Glover family and the Beatty family will be represented during this walking tour through the north side of Collingdale. The walking tour length is about an hour and half.

The second walking tour entitled “Leland Brown’s Collingdale” is a walking tour of the south side of Collingdale heading towards Darby. This walking tour will start at Collingdale Park at 1:30 pm. Highlights of this walking tour include the site of Pusey Avenue Elementary School and the site of Ann Pusey's house. (One of the oldest residents in Collingdale and was the granddaughter of one of the settlers in the area.) Those who wish to go to Eden Cemetery for their walking tours will be in walking distance from the cemetery.

Collingdale Park activities will only be on Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm.


Eden Cemetery -1434 Springfield Road, Collingdale

Saturday and Sunday, September 23rd & 24th from 11a.m. to 1 p.m.

In Memoriam
The colored soldiers of Pennsylvania who
fought and died in France 1917-1918 that liberty,
equality and fraternity be established in all nations
and among all people.
The entry for the tour is the Bartram Avenue and Springfield Road entrance which is adjacent to
Mt. Zion Cemetery.

The tour will highlight the participation of African Americans during World War 1 and include
viewing the grave sites of some of the World War 1 Veterans buried in the Celestine section.
The tour will conclude at the World War 1 Colored Soldiers Memorial.

Richard White from the African American Museum of Philadelphia will be conducting the tours.

The main entrance to the cemetery will be opened 10 am - 4 pm on Sat. and Sun. for anyone wishing
to visit the World War One Colored Soldiers Memorial located at the main entrance to the cemetery.

I suggest adding the following: to wear comfortable walking shoes and to be aware that the ground
is uneven.


Darby, Saturday, September 23rd

Darby Free Library
Darby Free Library - 1001 Main Street
Location: 1001 Main Street
Theme: Darby's WWI Legacy and Legends
Darby Free Library will be celebrating their 275th year as a library. The library has been in continuous use since 1743.

The library opens at 10 am (normal time) with tours of the library starting at 11 am. Poppy making activities for children of all ages will be ongoing throughout the day until 4 pm.

Darby Historical Commission

John and Jan Haigis will be conducting walking tours in Darby with an emphasis on Darby's transportation history. All tours start at the Darby Free Library. The first tour will be at 11 am. (The walking tours are a "shine" event.) Participants in the walking tours will get an eye opening experience discovering new things about Darby during WWI.

Theme: Darby’s WWI Transportation Legacy

Darby VFW on Main Street
Darby VFW
816 Main Street
Theme: Darby's WWI History and Reflections
Time: 10: pm to 4 pm

John Haigis will begin with a program at the Darby Free Library beginning at 10:00 AM followed, by a Walking Tour of Darby with special attention to the legacy of the War in Darby including the start of John Drew's jitney service, the beginning of the American Friends Service Committee, John Drew's concerns about the Gold Star Mother's Pilgrimage, and the role of Darby trolleys bringing people to their work at Sun Ship, Hog Island, and other industrial sites. He will finish at VFW Post 598 at 816 Main Street to see their collection of WWI and other memorabilia. From 1:30 to 2:30, Jan and I will be singing songs of the era at the VFW Post and remembering the profound impact the War to End War had on Darby, the County, and the nation. The program is free and Council and residents are welcome to join in the festivities.

Aldan, Saturday, September 23rd

The Aldan Historical Museum will be open from 10 am to 2 pm. Visitors are welcome to stop by and learn more about Aldan's involvement in the Great War. (Collingdale's first walking tour's last stop will be at the museum.) The museum will be open “rain or shine”.

Lansdowne Walking Tour
Lansdowne and World War I
Saturday September 23, 2017

11:00 – 12:30
Led by Lansdowne resident and local historian Matt Schultz.

Meet at the Lansdowne World War Monument
(located at the south end of Penn Wood High School)

Tour ends inside the First Presbyterian Church of Lansdowne
(Lansdowne and Greenwood Avenues)

FREE OF CHARGE—Rain or shine

Sponsored by Destination Delco and the Historic Lansdowne Theater Corporation

Brookhaven WW1 Memorial

Saturday September 23 2017
10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Across from the Brookhaven Community Center
2 Cambridge Rd, Brookhaven, PA 19015

Brookhaven American Legion Post honors the men and women who served in WW1.

Smedley Park, Springfield

The Cardinal Dougherty Assembly of the Knights of Columbus Color Corps  will have a Wreath Laying Ceremony at the WW1 Monument at the entrance to  Smedley Park on Saturday Sept 23 at 10:30 a.m. 

Nether Providence Historical Society

The Nether Providence Historical Society will have a display of Mr. Von Byre’s diaries and other artifacts from his service in the American Ambulance Corp in Italy during WW1.  We will have some information about other local residents who served in that war. 

The display, on the dining room table, will be at the Thomas Leiper House, 521 Avondale Rd., Wallingford.  The house will be open Saturday, Sept. 23 from 1 to 4 p.m., and Sunday, Sept. 24 from noon to 3 p.m.  The phone number at the house is 610-566-6365.

Radnor World War One Monument - Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Sunday noon to 2:00 p.m.

Eugene Hough will be on site at the Radnor WW1 McKenzie Memorial wearing his WW1 Cavalry uniform.  Representing Saving Hallowed Ground as the Monument Education Preservation Field Specialist, he has each year provided conservation services on the monument and also conducted hands on conservation clinics with students on the monument itself.

Gene will talk to people about  interpreting  the wonderful images of the Doughboys featured on the monument and also about my unit the First City Troop that served in the Great War at a remount facility in Georgia, on the Mexican boarder searching for Pancio Via.

Gene will have maps, books and other assorted static display items to share.

Valley Forge Military Academy

VFMAC will be available as a stop of the tour on Saturday, September 23 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. ONLY.

(CLICK ON MAP TO ENLARGE) Please direct participants to 1001 Eagle Road, Wayne, Pa. 19087 and ask them to enter and park at the Parade Field which is located on Eagle Road Established in 1928, Valley Forge Military Academy & College (VFMAC) is an international leadership institute comprised of a middle school and college preparatory high school for boys and a co-ed two-year college, each accredited by the Middle States Commission. Located in Wayne, Pa, VFMAC offers boarding, commuting, and day options. The campus environment is defined by the application of a military model that prepares students to lead and inspire others beyond graduation in a complex and competitive global environment. At VFMAC, students are immersed in a unique educational experience anchored on five cornerstones: academic excellence, character development, personal motivation, physical development and leadership. These cornerstones are the foundation for cadets reaching their academic potential to achieve success in the classroom and beyond.

Tour of 2SP Brewery 

Delco’s own 2SP Brewery is the Official Brewery for World War One Delco's “Dance for Democracy” and the "Last Stop" on the All Delco World War One Tour on Saturday and Sunday September 23/24 2017.

For more info: