Creating a Tribute to All from Delaware County Who Served in World War One

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The Delaware County World War One Centennial Committee is an unofficial body, recognized in 2017 by Delaware County Council, to make a permanent record of the military, economic, and civic participation of Delaware County in the Great War.

The committee is engaged in collecting all forms of records which bear upon the Delaware County's  history in war times.

The work will be a most fitting memorial to the thousands of Delaware County residents who entered the national service, and to the thousands of others who aided with personal service in factories, mines, farms, financial undertakings, and welfare organizations, to defeat the common enemy.

It is also the aim of committee to provide copies of the Memorial Book to Delaware County libraries, County, State's, and National archives, to provide for the establishment of duplicate records to become the basis for a patriotic understanding of Delaware County's part in the Great War.

To aid the committee and the Delaware County community in gathering the needed materials please refer to the PDF  (attached) that was provided by the State of Pennsylvania as a guide.