Ship Builders of Hog Island

In the September 1918 issue of National Magazine, Albert Leonard detailed story of the team of shipbuilders at the Hog Island plant in Chester, PA, who were dedicated to the war effort and who built the Quistconck, the first of the Class B type cargo ships to be launched from the Hog Island plant. Click to DOWNLOAD and read the fascinating story from the annals of World War One in Delaware County.

This article is courtesy of Pat Gallagher who purchased the magazine at Wilson’s Auction in 2017. “I’ve been going to auctions for years,” said Pat, “and lately have been looking for local items, some of which I donate to local historical societies. Eventually I am hoping to create a museum for the Collingdale Historical Society.” Pat is a member of three area Historical Societies and devotes his time to finding family photos at auction that have a name or clue as to their identity, and then researching the names in obituaries and online to find homes for the photos with families connected to them.