Need a speaker about Delco’s Victory Garden Program?

Master Gardener provides insights into the building of a successful Victory Garden at community event at Paper Mill Rd. headquarters.

Click Here to download an 8-1/2" x 11" printable
.pdf to place in your window, or in your garden.
This poster is based on a design used in
1918 to show support for the troops in WWI.
Delco’s World War 1 Centennial Committee is encouraging everyone to plant a Victory Garden this year, grow vegetables for you table, and share any excess bounty with you neighbors.

Our community partner, Delaware County Master Gardeners will provide a speaker for your organization.

They will have a free Victory Garden Hotline available during the planting growing and harvesting seasons.

Click Here for free downloadable educational materials created by the Master Gardeners.

To arrange for a speaker please contact Linda R. Barry at the phone numbers posted below.

Linda R. Barry
Master Gardener Coordinator
Penn State Extension
Delaware County
20 Paper Mill Rd.
Springfield, PA 19064
Direct Phone Number: 610-690-7669
Office Phone Number: 610-690-2655
Fax: 610-690-2676