More photos from the Dance for Democracy

There were some great photo ops at the September 22nd Dance for Democracy. Full size photos prints of all photos are available by contacting George Rothacker at You may also call for prices and sizes at 610-566-0334.

The Tapestry Ensemble dancers provided the perfect atmosphere to this fun Delaware County event.
Barbara and Anthony Selletti were presented with a poppy quilt by George Rothacker. The stitched piece was created by Anne Boren of New Zealand specifically for the World War I Remembrance.
Tapestry Ensemble dancers were elegantly dressed for the occasion and performed traditional dance of the World War 1 period.
Judy Reese and her service dog Shakespeare greeted guest and displayed photo boards of the brave dogs who served in the Great War. Judy and Shakespeare are shown next to a dog cart decorated for the occasion.
Re enactor Ryan Berley takes on his role seriously while Barbara Rothacker hams it up for the camera.

Barbara and Anthony Selletti were the force behind the Dance for Democracy and the whole World War One Delco Centennial.
 The duo responsible for the Tapestry Dance Ensemble taught guests the Grizzly Bear and the Turkey Trot at the Dance for Democracy.