Larry Smalley Art Records and Pays Tribute to War Heros of Lansdowne, Delaware County

Larry Smalley, a former Police Officer, American Legion Officer and “Artist about Town” displayed his latest artwork at the Media Arts and Crafts Festival on Sunday, June 11. Larry’s efforts in oil earned him a first prize ribbon in the Oil and Acrylic category.

For years now, this homegrown and trained painter, who works in an “American regional” style has captured his hometown theatre (Lansdowne) and buildings, landscapes and people throughout Delaware nd Chester Counties in his own distinctive way.

Larry is not a stranger to success, and is the real article in all he does, from his career as a patrolman with the Lansdowne Police Department, his service in the military, and  his duties as commander of  Lansdowne American Legion Post 65.

His latest artistic creation depicts the World War One Monument that honors Lansdowne High School students and Lansdowne residents who died while serving in the military during World War I. On left side he gives homage to those who lost their lives, while the right hand side depicts current Legion members honoring them at a Memorial Day celebration.

The granite Beaux-Arts style monument, designed by Lansdowne resident Clarence Brazer, was constructed in 1921 and restored in 1998 by those who believe the ultimate sacrifice of these people and their families should never be forgotten.

The large shields on the monument are those of the allied forces. The smaller insignias represent the branches of the United States military. The eagles represent the United States and its role in securing peace around the globe.

Lt. Albert Clinton Wunderlich, U.S. Army, the first of these soldiers to die, fell at the Battle of Montfaucon.