Sharing Memories of our WW1 Heroes – from New Zealand to Delaware County

Kathy Pelczarski, Delaware County Master Gardener, has been sharing some of the stories of Delco’s World War I Remembrance and the Flanders Poppy Program with an old college friend, Anne Boren, who now lives in New Zealand.  Anne respionded that there are Flanders poppies everywhere in New Zealand right now for ANZAC Day in commemoration of those that served and died during WWI.  Specifically, ANZAC Day (April 25) which commemorates when ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) landed at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I.

Inspired by the shared stories and the symbolism of the Flanders Poppies, Anne is in the process of creating matching quilted wall hangings for Kathy and herself. One will remain in New Zealand; the other will become Kathy's and reside in Delaware County.