MORE Poppies are Blooming - Send Us Your Photos

We have a new form online to keep track of the poppy gardens planned in Delco. Just CLICK HERE for our form which allows you to UPLOAD photos of your planting location and keep track of the progress of your poppies as they bloom.

Here are some recent photos of photos sent to us:
Even in September, Carol Miglaccio's poppies continue to bloom nicely.
These Flanders Poppy pictures are from Holmes Presbyterian Church. They were planted by Elaine VanGeyten, Master Gardener

Carol Migliaccio: “Poppy garden surrounds the Purple Hyacinth Running Bean vine on the fence. The vine was first started in the United States by  Thomas Jefferson in 1812. A fitting combination for those who have served our Country.”

(left) Paddy’s Poppies seem very happy in August. Started indoor in March, they took a while to take hold when planted outdoors in early May. They keep growing larger and have larger blooms, and have many buds for future blooms. (right) Tom, Lowy of Wayne planted seeds in a pot by his back steps and never expected them to take hold and bloom. These are two shining examples of his effort.
(top – from a note to the Master Garderners) “These flowers were directly sowed in the ground. I had planted two packets of seeds at two different times. And a month ago saw one little poppy taking hold. Suddenly this one small sprout grew up. Over the weekend it had one bloom and two other buds. Today it is covered with blooms and many more to come. It was the hope of Council that plantings seeds in May would yield a crop in July. Well, there prayers were answered. I am so excited that I called Delaware County Council as well as the Daily Times and Town Talk. I hope someone will get a picture of these beauties for news.  We'll see.You promoted this venture so I hope you will enjoy my success as much as I am.” Elaine VanGeyten,   (Bottom left) Poppies planted in Melkmar in Berwyn. (Bottom right) Paddy's Poppies in Radnor.

Delaware County Council at Penn State Brandywine Campus Poppy Field

(top left) Bill Tyson at Poppy Garden at Penn State Brandywine Campus. (middle left) “This year we cut down the big holly tree out front - yes, i won that ongoing battle because Joe just could not keep trying to trim it the way he wanted - and certainly nobody else could (or would).  Anyway, the tree came down and the seeds went in.” Elaine and Joe Petner–Upper Darby. (middle right) “I planted two boxes in honor of my grandfather's WWI military to Canada. R.I.P. Robert Henry Hillyard, 94 Argyll Highlanders.” Ginny Davis

(left to right) 1. Another View of the World War II marker in Collingdale  Poppies in bloom on the patio of the Master Gardeners office at Smedley Park  3.  Corrin and Tore Fiore’s dog watching over the poppy blooms at their home in Media.