“Memories of the Great War”

Premiere of Barbara & Anthony Selletti’s film
of family member remembrances of relatives serving in World War One

“Memories of the Great War” premiered in the screening room of Vinyl Revival, adjacent to the Lansdowne Theatre.
Red Cross Nurse (left) is Ginger Daddona of Morton., and Food Conservationist (right) is Danielle Murray of SW Philadelphia
 The second event of the day featured two public previews of historians Barbara and Anthony Selletti’s film ”Memories of the Great War” shown in a viewing room at “Vinyl Revival”,  an original “vinyl” record store located in the historic Lansdowne theater complex, with space donated for the occasion by the proprietors.The 1300 seat Lansdowne Theater is undergoing a massive restoration that when done may have asignificant  economic and cultural impact on the County. Currently, the theater exists in it‘s unrestored state and was the perfect venue befitting reenactors in a battlefield scene.

Lizzie Reed and Ryan Berley
preparing pans for doughnouts
Ryan Berley, co-owner of Franklin Fountain and Shane’s Candies in Philadelphia and his partner Lizzie Reed provided “original recipe” World War One Doughnuts, that contained no sugar, in keeping with the mission of conservation to provide sugar to the men on the front lines.
Barbara Selletti portrayed a “volunteer” of the era, while Berley and Lizzie heated oil and made coffee using an original  cauldron and coffee pot made from a munitions casing.

Display of Lansdowne American Legion Post 65
Knights of Columbus, the American Legion and members of 

Eugene Hough with Shakespeare
outside the Lansdowne Theatre
Saving Hallowed Ground manned displays telling of their organizations and their service to the community while Destination Delco distributed FREE Poppy Seeds, growing instructions, pins and VFW poppies to visitors.

Saving Hallowed Ground promotes engagement with and appreciation of the past by connecting individuals and communities with historic preservation and commemoration initiatives. John Marks manned their booth at the theater.

Inside the Vinyl Revival screening room, the film series “Memories of the Great War” enjoyed “standing room only” at each of its presentations.

Eugene Hough, a member of the Saving Hallowed Ground organization and the Uncommon Individual Foundation, posed outside the theater with service dog Shakespeare for photo opts.
U.S. Army (retired) Major Kurt Sellers proudly display a rifle made in the Eddystone Rifle plant at the Balwin complex where 37% of all the rifles used during the Great War were manufactured. Click here for story.